An Appeal to Well-Wishers/ Financer/ Parties/ Firms etc.

by - 14:41

Chandubi is a beautiful Nature gift small lake of Assam. It is from Guwahati about 60 kms. On the other hand Belahari is one small and natural beautiful village of Meghalaya. It is on the way to Chandubi Lake. From Mirza to Belahari distance about 25 kms.

At Belahari already started an Organic Tea Garden recently. The garden is going on smoothly due to Financial Condition.

If any one who is interested on Tea/ Rubber/ Agriculture and any others Agriculture & Dairy based business then Proper Land is available at Belahari.

We are proud of Organic Sector. Land is ready for you. Any interested Persons/ Parity/ Firms/ Company any contact with us for fulfill their Green Dreams.

Please Contact: Mr. G. C. Das
Contact No.:+91 9678661774

Pictures of Organic Tea Garden

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