by - 15:31


Punctuality means to be in time. Once this virtue is made it becomes a habit. Punctual people are liked by all, they never hesitated to do their work. A person who is punctual gets success in life. Once should be punctual in order to achieve her/his goals. It is not easy to be punctual, great effort is needed but for the ones who has already cultivated this is easy. They are always regular in their work. Not being is being rude. It is a virtue we all must practice. It we follow this habit of being punctual through our life, we will reach our goals. People will trust us on important matters if we are punctual. In the defence sector punctuality is the vital point among its soldiers. Our country has three wings of defence, in these they are taught punctuality as a priority in their training period. People working in defence services (Air Force, Army, Navy) are known for their punctuality. If we are not punctual we cause inconvenience. When we follow it our lives will be free from tension. When one is punctual they do not have to depend on. No job is possible without punctuality in true sense.

Kangkana Goswami
Rani: Guwahati: Assam

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